xDOC App: Manage and Upload Documents

356 views May 4, 2020 May 4, 2020 pb 1

Accessing xDoc App

  • Go to the App Store and search for “Adsystech”
  • Select xDOCS to download
  • At login, enter Username and Password that was created during application process
  • Agree to the Terms and Conditions
  • Select LOGIN

Navigating the Home page

  • On the Home page, all programs that have been applied for will be
  • Total is the total number of documents that is required for the selected program
  • Missing is the number of outstanding documents that need to be provided
  • If there are multiple programs, you have the option to Select
    or Individual
  • Tap the checkbox next to a program to see the status
  • Go to Missing Docs page to review and upload documents
  • Click on the Question Mark icon for more information about the
    Home page
  • Click on the Bell icon to view and manage tasks
  • Select OUTSTANDING to view outstanding tasks
  • Select COMPLETED to view completed tasks

Navigating the Missing Documents page

  • On the Missing Documents page, the number listed next to the
    program is the number of missing documents
  • Select through multiple programs using the radio button
  • After selecting a program, the household member document status
    details will appear
  • The number listed next to each household member name is the number of outstanding documents for that selected member
  • To review the outstanding documents and upload documents for a member, click on the members name
  • Use the slide bar to Show Missing Documents Only
  • Select the Document name to view list of document types
  • Select UPLOAD to upload a document
  • Select OUTSTANDING to view outstanding tasks
  • Click on the Bell icon to view and manage tasks
  • On the Missing: Upload page
  • Verify Member name, Category and select
    Document Type
  • To upload a document, select from TAKE PHOTO, ALBUM or INVENTORY
  • Click SUBMIT
  • Click on the Question Mark icon for more information about the Missing Documents page

Note: You may be prompted to add uploaded document into the document inventory for future access.

Navigating the Inventory page

  • The Inventory page provides users with easy access to
  • Click on the ADD icon to go to Inventory: Add page
  • Select Document Type & Member
  • Upload document by clicking on TAKE PHOTO or ALBUM
  • Click SUBMIT
  • Click on the X icon to remove document record

Navigating the Settings page

  • The Settings page is accessed by clicking on the More icon
  • Select PROFILE to view account information
  • Select HELP for further help instructions
  • Select ABOUT to view xDOCs description
  • Select LOG OUT to log out

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