eFactory is a repository of tools that facilitate the production, test and maintenance of Adsystech Software.
eFactory provides clients have the ability to submit service requests directly to Adsystech Technical Services, run ad hoc reports on all support requests, receive email notifications of ticket statuses, schedule tickets for development in accordance with their TSP plan and manage the totality of service requests for local users.
eFactory is organized into a structure with three tiers. Each of these tiers is responsible for receiving, troubleshooting, responding to requests for support and if necessary, escalating these requests to a higher tier for resolution. Logging these requests in eFactory allows Adsystech to determine how best to address system issues or new feature requests that originate from any tier of support and ensures a consistent response to problem resolution. Technical Services tiers are as follows:
Tier 1
Basic level of support where service problems are logged into eFactory, triaged, troubleshot, and elementary problems are resolved. Examples of this include: basic “how to” questions, hardware diagnostics, password resets, account creation, Enterprise Application user access for any Adsystech module, etc. This is typically managed by the Agency Administrator.
Tier 2
Intermediate level of support where incoming user requests are logged or triaged into eFactory with updated details and resolved or routed to Tier 3 support resources for review. Examples of this include: more advanced “how to” questions, advanced hardware diagnostics, Enterprise system pages functions, organization roles and security management services, etc. This is typically managed by the System Administrator, often referred to as the Super Administrator.
Tier 3
This level of support is not generally provided by System Administrators. These problems usually involve advanced levels of support that require specialized technical or application expertise and possibly development assistance. Examples of this include advanced administrative setup, system outage or system-wide performance concerns and application bugs, etc. This is typically managed by the Adsystech Customer Support Team.
An important facet of the Technical Services Resolution process is how tickets are moved throughout these three tiers so that they can be resolved. The goal of Adsystech is to ensure that end users have the most positive experience while using any Adsystech product.