- Record a client service on the Services page or the Case Notes page, Case Notes tab, or an assessment on the Case Notes page, Case Assessments tab
- In the Performance Indicator section of the popup window, select the FNPI(s) that relates to the service
- If the Performance Indicator is achieved, select Term = Achieved
On Section A Report:
- Checking the FNPI will count Client in # Participants Served column for that FNPI
- Selecting Achieved will count Client in Actual Results column for that FNPI
As part of the Program setup, the Administrator must:
For the Contract:
- Link the FNPI to the Contract
In Contract Details:
- Select a Target amount for the FNPI
In Program setup:
- Select the Contract to link to program in Contract section
In Domain setup:
- Select Standard Name to match one of the Domain categories
In Question setup:
- Make sure Case Plan question set has a question linked to the Domain category used for Standard Name